Henry F Miller Piano Serial Number

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Once you know the name brand of your piano, you will need to find the serial number. Step 1: The serial number is usually found on the plate of the piano between the bass and tenor strings. It can also be found on the top of the piano when you open the lid on Upright Pianos. You are looking for a number like those shown here. 1 photographic print. Photo, Print, Drawing Small Parlor Grand Piano, designed and manufactured by Henry F. Miller & Sons Piano Co., Boston, Mass. B&w film copy neg.

Henry F Miller Piano Serial Number


Henry F Miller Piano Serial Number Lookup

Henry F Miller Piano Serial NumberHenry F Miller Piano Serial Number

Henry F. Miller Piano Serial Numbers

HenryKnowing the fair market value of Henry F. Miller pianos is useful to sellers, buyers and owners.
This information can help guide you in making important decisions.
Henry F. Miller Sr. was an educated, reputable musician and organist born in Providence, Rhode Island. His
firms of Brown & Allen in 1850, and later the Emerson Piano Co. in 1857 where he was perfecting his craft of
Gibson with the factory located in Wakefield, MA. So great was their success that Miller's five sons joined the
continually improving their pianos - and by the turn of the century, received the endorsement of artists, musicians
were distinguished for their artistic case designs and their rich, full tone. The firm also made pianos under the
play the bass notes of the piano, similar to an organ). In the mid 1920s they became a division of the Continental
1949, ownership was transferred to the Ivers & Pond Piano Company in Cambridge, MA. When the large New
pianos moved to Memphis, TN by 1951. Later, some Henry F. Miller pianos were assembled by Mason & Risch in
business. In 2001 the name was acquired by the Sherman Clay (California) chain of piano stores. Pianos bearing
the Pearl River piano company in China. In 2013 Sherman Clay & Co. discontinued activity in the piano business,
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