Tau Codex 8th Edition

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Rules for Warhammer 40,000 Armies

Built around 8th Edition Warhammer 40,000 and its Tau Codex. Any “C” value in a datasheet refers to the official Codex available here

Check out my review of the 8th edition Tau Codex. Tau Codex Supplement Rules for Warhammer 40,000 Armies. Built around 8th Edition Warhammer 40,000 and its Tau Codex. Any “C” value in a datasheet refers to the official Codex available here.

Mar 31, 2018 The Tau are back! March 17th saw Games Workshop release the first 8th edition codex for the Tau Empire and what a codex it was! New Sept Tenants, Stratagems and even a list building restriction found nowhere else in the game. Tau really did get it all. However after getting the codex, I decided that it was worth a look through. Collaborating Minds Solving tough problems with a unique team. Home Top Nav - 2013-11-11. Home; Tough Problems. How We Work; Our Problem-Solving Process. Higher Intellect Content Delivery Network.

Tau codex 8th edition epub

This is a fan-made Sept and should not be considered official in any capacity (yet…). We strive to keep the rules here balanced - this is not intended to be some sort of cheese army filled with supermen. Please feel free to utlize the comments section on each page to provide your feedback or start a discussion!


XV-892 Gravshock Shas’ui10”5+4+555273+
XV-892 Gravshock Shas’vre10”5+4+555283+
XV-88/0 Hammerfall Shas’ui8”5+4+553173+
XV-88/0 Hammerfall Shas’vre8”5+4+553283+
XV-102 Thunderstrike8”5+4+6718492+
MV52 Shield DroneCCCCCCCCC

Tau Codex 8th Edition Free

Burst Rail Rifle30”Rapid FireD37-3D3On a wound roll of 6+ the target unit suffers one mortal wound in addition to the normal damage.
Gravlance6”Assault48-1D3On a wound roll of 6+ this weapon deals D6 damage instead of its normal profile. Used with 4 or more wounds remaining.
Gravlance (low output)6”Assault28-1D3On a wound roll of 6+ this weapon deals D6 damage instead of its normal profile. Used with 3 or fewer wounds remaining.
Gravity LashMeleeMelee0U01Any enemy unit wounded by this weapon reduces its movement distance by half in its next movement phase.
Kar’vesaMeleeMelee0x2-11Whenever Lynunan lands 3 or more wounds in one fight phase against a unit, the target unit suffers a mortal wound in addition to the normal damage.
Light Rail Rifle30”Rapid Fire15-11Wound rolls of 6+ with this weapon add 1 to their AP characteristic.
Heavy Rail Rifle (Neutron Round)60”Heavy18-4D6On a wound roll of 4+ instead of the normal weapon damage the target unit suffers 3D3 mortal wounds. Each unit within 3” of the target unit suffers 1 mortal wound.
Plasma Rifle (Arsho)24”Rapid Fire16-12-
Suppression Projector (Burst)24”Assault5D6401-
Suppression Projector (Salvo)24”Assault540D3Each successful hit roll with this weapon increases its strength characteristic by 1 for this phase.
Airbursting Fragmentation ProjectorCCCCCCSee 8th Edition Tau Codex
EqualizersCCCCCCSee 8th Edition Tau Codex
Missile PodCCCCCCSee 8th Edition Tau Codex
Pulse PistolCCCCCCSee 8th Edition Tau Codex
Support Systems
Personal Gravjet PackAny model equipped with a Gravpack increases its move characterist to 8” and gains the Fly and Jetpack keywords.
Markerlight Analysis SystemA model equipped with a markerlight analysis system treats any unit affected by any number of markerlights as though it had three additional markerlight counters.
Twin-Linked OptimizerA model equipped two or more of the same ranged weapon rerolls misses for those weapons when shooting at a target within half their range.
Tau codex 8th edition epub

Point values

XV-892 Gravshock Shas’ui55
XV-892 Gravshock Shas’vre
XV-88/0 Hammerfall Shas’ui42
XV-88/0 Hammerfall Shas’vre
XV-102 Thunderstrike510
MV52 Shield DroneC

Tau Codex 8th Edition Pdf

Burst Rail Rifle41
Gravlance (low output)0
Gravity Lash50
Light Rail Rifle3
Heavy Rail Rifle (Neutron Round)0
Plasma Rifle (Arsho)14
Suppression Projector (Burst)
Suppression Projector (Salvo)
Airbursting Fragmentation ProjectorC
Missile PodC
Pulse PistolC

Tau Codex 8th Ed Pdf

Support Systems

Tau Codex 8th Edition Riptide

Personal Gravjet Pack0
Markerlight Analysis System10
Twin-Linked Optimizer12

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